Current mood:

I went to see "The Barnyard" with my children and 3/4 of my grandchildren. I loved the movie. It was hootalicious! My only 2 gripes with the film are:
1) Male cattle are commonly known as bulls. It is only in the broadest sense that cow is used to describle a male. Cow is the female term. When one of the males in the movie died, the tombstone said something like "Here lies ____ , he was a great cow." It should have said here lies a great bull. Period.
2) Said bulls, or whatever you want to call the male of the bovine variety, DOES NOT HAVE UDDERS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Great Caesar's Ghost, people, no bull has an udder. It is the bovine equivilant of breasts! EVERY bull had an udder. These udders were bright pink, four teated udders. I found it to be utterly silly.
Look.... my way of thinking is this: It is okay to make a movie that portrays animals with human characteristics in a very absurd fashion. If they had made fun of the bulls having cow boobies, that would have been funny, but I feel it's important to stick to basic truisms though. Bulls do not have udders. That's like making a cartoon where all men have large breasts.... Hm, now THAT might be interesting!
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