Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Facebook is not enough

I'm a bit of a facebook addict.  There. I've admitted it. Hi! My name is Sheena, and I'm a facebook addict. Yes... I'm pretty sure I hear voices that answered "Hi Sheena". 

HOWEVER... facebook is not a blog site. I'm disappointed facebook feels blogging is not as useful as say, Mafia Wars. Yes, I've used the notes feature before, but notes  makes me feel like I'm stuck back in the corner of facebook, perhaps behind a little wall. If I want someone I know to know I wrote a note, I  have to tag them. They get a notice I tagged them in a note. I didn't write about them in a note, I wanted them to read the work I created. They think I've written about them, and are disappointed to learn I wrote about dingy laundry. Not a pretty sight, I'm sure. Now they are indignant that I got them to read my little note under false pretenses. Poor dears.

I'll be truthful, facebook takes care of most my needs. It entertains, informs and at times, enrages me. It's odd that such an inanimate thing makes me feel so alive. I am closer  to more friends than I have ever been, and they are closer to me. I've told things on facebook that I would not have been able to say face to face. 

It's opened up my real world. I'm able to look at a person I've known for years, and tell them how I feel about them, face to face now. The wall of protection facebook gives us, even though it's largely imaginary, carries over to life. I've told this friend or that friend "Love ya!" in a casual way on facebook. They've said it back. I am less reserved now. I feel accepted, loved, and appreciated.

Some things on the interwebz make us worse citizens of the world, ( ) and some can  make our world a better place. ( ) Facebook, for it's many flaws, has made me a better person.

What good thing has the internet done for you?


  1. What good thing has the internet done for you?
    It is such an easy question, that is, until you start to answer it. The internet educates us, and entertains us. It brings us closer to far away family and brings the far away world next door. I have made friends in places I can only dream of visiting and been surprised to find a friend just a couple of miles away. I can find someone to talk to at any hour of the day or night (including a certain insomniac cousin). I could find recipes online, shop online, go to school online, and follow the latest game online. Just about anything you want to do and want to find can be done and found online. So, a new question, since the internet can bring us just about anything we want, are we becoming too dependent on the internet? I caution that before answering this question, we should go a day or two without using the internet. It might be harder than expected.

  2. I am afraid we would crash and burn if the interwebz became disabled! I can't go without my electronic media. If I manage to keep my hands off my computer for a day, I do login on my cell phone. It dings each time I get a facebook post. I was sincere when I said I was addicted!


Be respectful. Only attack ideas and not individuals. Most of all, think!